Page : Advanced Standings
Location : World Office - Standings

General Description - From this page, you may view more advanced league standings for all leagues at all levels in your world.

Season - You may select the current Hardball Dynasty season and any previous Hardball Dynasty seasons in this world from which you would like to view league standings. Once a full season is complete, its regular season standings will be archived here for the duration of the world.

Level - After selecting a franchise to view, users may select the level at which to view the standings. Levels from the dropdown menu include Majors, Triple-A, Double-A, High-A, Low-A and rookie ball teams.

League - Each level in each world is separated into two leagues, the AL and NL. Please select the league from the dropdown menu from which you would like to view standings. After selecting a Hardball Dynasty season, level and league please click on 'go' to view the standings.

Divisional Standings - Each league is divided into four divisions, North, South, East and West of four teams each.

W-L - This feature indicates the overall record (wins and then losses) of the team to its left. If the season has not yet completed, the standings will reflect all regular season games played up to that point.

PCT - This is the teams winning percentage, as calculated by wins divided by total games. Teams are sorted by winning percentage.

GB - This indicates the number of games the team is behind the division leader. When teams have not played the same amount of games, this difference may be represented by a half game, meaning that the team behind could make up that half game with a win when the team ahead has its next off day.

Division - This indicates the team's record (wins and then losses) against the other three teams in its division.

1-Run Games - This indicates the team's record (wins and then losses) in games that are decided by just a one run margin.

Extra Inning - This indicates the team's record (wins and then losses) in games that go into the 10th inning or later.

Spring Training - This indicates the team's record (wins and then losses) from games played in spring training.

RS - This indicates the team's runs scored thus far. It includes earned and unearned runs.

RA - This indicates the team's runs given up ("allowed"). It includes earned and unearned runs.

EXP PCT - This is the team's expected winning percentage based on a formula developed by Bill James that uses Runs Scored and Runs Allowed to approximate the team's winning percentage. A team whose winning percentage exceeds its expected winning percentage is generally "over-achieving," while a team whose expected winning percentage is higher than its actual should expect to improve (assuming runs scored and runs allowed rates remain similar).

Owner - This refers to the user name of the owner of this franchise. Clicking on the name will display the owner's Hardball Dynasty user profile in a pop-up window. An asterisk (*) indicates the user has already reserved his/her franchise for next season.

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